Time Hacking Radio


Episode Summary

Futureproof by Kevin Roose, published in January of 2021 is my latest listening read and it has BLOWN MY MIND.

Episode Notes

The main topic of the book was automation and artificial intelligence with the thesis being that every single person and job on the planet is replaceable by a machine.

The author discusses all of his reasons for coming to this understanding, but moving beyond the doomed future, Roose makes some powerful recommendations to help you survive the coming revolution.

The book says that our best tool to fight the machines is our humanity.  Humans like human-made things.  There is still more value in the things that are crafted by people.

In my own chimney sweeping business, we are trying to create a blend of automation and humanity, with an emphasis on humanity. 

We have chosen automation in much of the office administration and humanity in the customer-facing roles.  

The point of this lesson is to encourage you to bump up your humanity as you think about your business automation.  

If you would like a link to "Futureproof" you can find it on my resource page by clicking the link.

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